Here is few grep command which is frequently used to do many operation in unix.

Home Forums Grep Unix Command. Here is few grep command which is frequently used to do many operation in unix.

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    grep stands for global search for regular expression and print out.

    grep [options] pattern [files]

    1. Case in sensitive search in grep.
    command : grep -i “appLE” fruitname.txt

    explanation: option -i is enable the case sensitive search, above is the “appLE” will search on apple,Apple, APPLE, appLE and APPle.

    2. Count of number of match.
    command: grep -c “appLE” fruitname.txt

    result :2

    3. validate whole word.
    command: grep -w “apple” fruitname.txt

    4. display the line number
    command: grep -n “apple” fruitname.txt

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