How to format print in python


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Python - Prog 99percentage python programmer dont know thisPython - Prog 99percentage python programmer dont know this

How to format print in python.

I bet 99% python developer don’t know this feature. Lets see how the uniquely we will print a text in different way.

I bet 99% python developer don't know this feature. 

Lets see how the uniquely we will print a text in different way.

Python 3.10.8 (tags/v3.10.8:aaaf517, Oct 11 2022, 16:50:30) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> text = 'INDIA'
>>> print(f'{text}')
>>> print(f'{text:.^25})
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
>>> print(f'{text:.^25}')
>>> print(f'{text:#>30}')
>>> print(f'{text:_>30}')

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