Linux Command - Files and Navigating.Linux Command - Files and Navigating.

There are many basic command which all used for Files and Navigating purpose. These Linux command frequently used on daily operation of

Files processing. Lets have a look of all basic command which all involve in Files processing.

Top 10 Linux Command for Files and Navigating operation.

1. Linux command – Listing files

ls –  This command used for Directory listing ( list all files/folders on current dir).

ls -l – formatting listing (get all format of files in list order).

ls -la – this command will return all formatted listing including hidden files.

2. Linux command – Change directory

cd dir – change directory to dir ( dir will be path of directory)

cd .. – change to parent directory.

cd ../dir – change to dir in parent directory.

cd ~ – change to home directory.

3. Linux command – to show current directory.

pwd – show current directory.

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4. Linux command – Create directory.

mkdir dir – create a directory called dir

5. Linux command – Delete files and directory.

rm file – delete file

rm -f dir – remove file forcefully.

rm -r dir -delete directory called dir

rm -rf dir -remove directory dir

rm -rf / – launch some nuclear bomb targeting your system.

6. Linux command – Copy, move and rename of file.

cp file1 file2 -copy file1 to file2

mv file1  file2 – rename file1 to file2

mv file1 dir/file2 -move file1 to dir path with file name file2.

7. Linux command – Create a file.

touch file – create a zero byte file (if new ) or if existing file then update the time stamp of file.

8. Linux command – See the content of file.

cat file – output content of file.

you can also read amazing technical Linux article : How to find top 5 largest files in directories on Linux/Unix

9. Linux command – write and append file.

cat > file – write standard input into file.

cat >> file – append standard input into file

10. Linux command – Output content of file as it grow.

tail -f file – Output content of file as it grow.

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