About Us – Open Source Guru Ji
Open Source Guru Ji (https://opensourceguruji.com) is made for Developers, Tester and Support team members, who all are in software field. The learning should be open for all and We trust that we can change the world via learning and teaching. We respect the people who wants to learn and we are here to provide you a simple way to understand technology.
Our Motto is “Easy to learn” and “Learning so easy”. You can start from a small topics and try to practice it and for long run it will give you a big difference. So lets start from today. Please go to any Tutorial Section and start it today. Open Source team member are learner as well and we try to give some knowledge to people. We believe in give and take – Learn and Teach.This is what motivating us and keep us motivated.
Our Team:
Our Team is seeker and bring new topics for you. There are not many team member under Open source Guru Ji. However, Our Team is Smart and people are smart to get the things done without any helps. currently, running cost of this websites is handled by own cost and if possible we will try to get via google ad sense if possible in future.
Introduction Videos:
You can watch below video and Provide us feedback as well. Our goal is to provide a great free content to all. Our team will learn the things and try to create content for you. We practice some real time scenario content which was convey by our reader and clients.
Help Us to resolve issues:
In software field, We believe machine is working for us, There are nothing like we can work for machine. Ultimately challenge is that whenever you get issues in application or issues in software code you try to trained your machine to fixed the problem next time automatically so that particular problem should not occur again . So learn the behavior of code ( learn what machine wanted to tell you/understand the machine language) and then boost the machine/provide command to machine So machine will fix it automatically or alert to you that machine is in problem and want your help.
Please report the issues to us via each comments which is under every post.
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<a href="https://opensourceguruji.com/">Easy to Learn </a>
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